To the great credit and hard work of several members of the current and previous Editorial Boards, we are pleased to announce that past issues of the National Security Law Journal are also now available electronically on HeinOnline. HeinOnline is the world’s largest image-based legal research collection and contains more than 9 centuries of legal history. As a premier research tool, it provides users access to NSLJ issues in a fully-searchable, PDF image-based format. This means that the electronic PDFs will appear as exact page images of the print documents, and all graphs, charts, pictures, and footnotes will appear just as they do in the hard copy.
This is a great milestone for the National Security Law Journal, and the Editorial Board is proud to be able to share it with you. Our hope is that NSLJ’s arrival on HeinOnline will increase our readership and footprint in legal scholarship by further simplifying access to our issues. HeinOnline, however, is a subscription based database. For additional details about HeinOnline, or for subscription options, please visit the HeinOnline website.